
Meisterin der norddeutschen Düfte

NDR | Die Nordreportage | 1  ×  30 min | 16.11.2020

It is not unusual for scents to remind us of the past and cause us to feel at home. Claudia Valder has always been fascinated by this effect. For her, lavender fragrance represents comfort and family. Typisch! accompanies the 33-year-old in her exciting work as a perfumer, mother of two and founder of the fragrance start-up Systema Natura - in the cycle of the North German harvest seasons.

Her speciality: creating sustainable and authentic fragrance experiences without artificial additives. Valder particularly likes to work with raw materials from northern Germany, because they preserve the energy balance and keep a rich variety and sufficient quantities ready.

By now with ten employees and strengthened by more and more orders from the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, she is working on new extraction processes and adding more and more raw materials to her product range. not unobserved by large competitors who do not want to leave the niche of natural fragrances to her unbeaten.


  • Anni Brück


  • Anne Kötterheinrich

    Executive Producer

  • Max Heusmann

    Line Producer

  • Robert Engelke


  • Matthias Wittkuhn


  • Jonas Engelke


  • Sebastian Jung


  • Johan Nilsson

    Film Editor

  • Christian Pipke

    Editor NDR